3 October 2011

Last day of Summer?

Today may have been the last chance  I get this year to take a walk in shorts and T Shirt. So made the most of it with a 8km circular stole through some of Northampton's parks and open spaces, with hardly the need to use a road.

Started off from Queen Eleanor Cross and down through the Delapre Woods that separate the London Road from Delapre Golf Course, now with the horse chestnuts dropping their conkers and those that have been diseased shedding their leaves. Cut across Delapre Park for a quick look at the nearly finished restoration of the water garden before heading out to Delapre Lake with sun bathers on the grass and grebes on the water.

Headed around the south side of the lake before cutting through into Beck's Meadow then along to the Canoe Club. Turned west along the Nene Way towards town, with a diversion through Barn's Meadow to get me off the cycle path.

Crossed over into Midsummer Meadow then on to Beckett's Park, the facilities at the marina look almost complete, it will be good to get the park back to normal and be able to walk on the marina island. After refreshments at the cafe, continued on along the river before crossing at the foot bridge and onto the London Road for a short distance before regaining Delapre Wood.

A very pleasant afternoon and all within a couple of miles of the town centre.


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